以下是《古墓丽影:周年纪念》的中英文台词对照,详细的剧情请查阅百科中各关卡页面。 *作者:TombCrow ==游戏开场== <poem> 1945 年,新墨西哥州 [[洛斯阿拉莫斯]] 1996 年,[[印度]] [[加尔各答]] What's a man got to do to get that sort of attention from you? 一位男士若也想博得你的此等关注,不知该做些什么呢? If that's the sort of attention you want, Larson, you're well on your way. 如果你想要的只是这种关注,拉森,那你表现得还算不错。 Sounds like fun. But I'm only here to make an introduction. 有意思。不过我今天来这里只为引荐一个人。 [[Lara Croft]], meet Jacqueline Natla, of Natla Technologies. 劳拉·克劳馥,这是纳特拉科技公司的杰奎琳·纳特拉。 Good afternoon, miss Croft. 下午好,克劳馥小姐。 My research department has recently turned its focus to the study of ancient artifacts. 我的研究部门最近将焦点转移到了对古代器物的研究上。 And I'm led to believe that, with the right incentive, 而有些传闻让我相信,只要来点合适的『激励』, you are just the woman to find them for me. 你将是为我去找到它们的不二之选。 I'm afraid you've been misled. I only play for sport. 恐怕你是被误导了。能『激励』我的只有出游的乐趣。 Which is precisely why I've come to you, Miss Croft. This is a game you've played before, with your Father. 这正是我会想到你的原因,克劳馥小姐。这是你曾经享受过的乐趣——与你父亲一起。 You both spent years searching for the Scion of Atlantis. 你们俩花费了好几年搜寻亚特兰蒂斯的司祭盎。 All you needed was the location of Qualopec's Tomb. 你们所需要的,就是夸洛佩克古墓的位置。 You've found Vilcabamba? 你找到了比尔卡班巴? How quickly can you get to Peru? 你什么时候可以到秘鲁? </poem> ==秘鲁== <poem> Vilcabamba continues to elude us, 比尔卡班巴仍然躲着我们, and my insistence that we press on in spite of these failures has morale low... 在多次失败的打击下,我坚持继续行动的决定遭遇了低落的士气…… I suspect Jenkins to be the author of this sedition; he simply refuses to accept the possibility that Atlandits is the foundation upon which all known civilizations were built. 我怀疑詹金斯是这场混乱的始作俑者。亚特兰蒂斯可能是所有已知文明的本源,他却只是对此嗤之以鼻。 Increasingly, I find it is Lara alone who remains untainted by academic dogma and open-minded enough to see this truth. 渐渐地,我发现只有劳拉,尚未被学术教条所侵染,并且拥有足够开明的思想领悟这个真相。 I'm sorry; I didn't bring enough rope. 对不起,我没有带够绳子。 Not to worry. I'll find another way up. 不用担心,我会找到另一条路上来。 Here sits the God-King Qualopec; 这里安坐着神王夸洛佩克, One of the Triumvirate; Keepers of the Three pieces of the Scion; 三执政者之一,三片司祭盎的持有者之一; Diviners of its knowledge; Sacred rulers of Atlantis. 司祭盎知识的守护者;亚特兰蒂斯的神圣统治者。 [410216B]I'd love to join you, but I forgot my trunks. 我很乐意加入你,不过我忘带游泳裤了。 [416583D]Why am I not surprised? 为什么我就一点都不意外呢? [41963FE]You've got your job; I've got mine. I'll take it from here. 你有你的活,我有我的活。我要那东西。 [4206749]I hope Natla sent you here with more than that shotgun. 希望纳特拉不是要你用霰弹枪来跟我谈判。 [4246CF8]Don't sweat it, kitten; I prefer a more hands-on approach. 别紧张,小丫头,我更喜欢靠身体说话。 [4C31556]This is only one piece of the Scion; Where's the rest of it? 这只是一片司祭盎,其他的在哪里? [4C480C7]Gimme a minute, I'm thinking. 给我几分钟,我想想。 Whoa! It makes no difference to me: 哇哦!对我这样可没用。 Pierre's probably already found his piece. 皮埃尔很可能已经找到他那片了。 Pierre Dupont? Where? 皮埃尔·杜邦?在哪里? Now that I don't know. 那个我可不知道。 All right. I'm convinced. 好。我相信你。 Damn, you really had me going there. 嗨,你不该把我扔在这里。 ---- [BAFFD2]Looks like our girl's pulled it off. 看起来我们的女孩成功了。 Of course she has. Now it's up to you. 这我不奇怪。现在就看你的了。 [BF90C3]Not that I'm complaining boss, but what makes you so sure [C3D9F7]she's not going to bring it back herself? 冒昧问一句,老板。为什么你这么肯定她不会自己把东西给带回来? [C7AEE3]Lara would never part with the Scion; she's far too obsessed with it. 劳拉不会舍弃司祭盎,这是她魂牵梦绕的东西。 Just like her Father. 就像她的父亲。 Ah, Monsieur Dupont, you have something to report? 啊,杜邦先生,有什么消息吗? [D2A90A]Good news, Madame, your information was correct. 好消息,女士。您的信息千真万确。 I have located my piece of the Scion. 我追查到了我那片司祭盎的下落。 Voila. It is buried under a place called 它就被埋在—— St. Francis Folly. 圣方济各堂。 </poem> ==希腊== <poem> I've acquired new evidence that leads me to believe it is the Scion itself that is in some strange way, a vast library of information to rival even Alexandria. 新的证据使我相信,司祭盎本身就以某种独特的方式保存着大量的信息,其信息量甚至超越了古埃及的亚历山大图书馆。 I am now convinced that, if I can obtain it, I will finally discover what happened to my beloved Amelia. 现在我相信,如果我能得到它,我就能最终发掘出我深爱的阿米莉亚究竟出了什么事。 Oh, Pierre, you litter bug. 皮埃尔,你这乱丢垃圾的家伙。 ---- I suppose you're more of a dog person. 我猜你八成是属狗的吧。 Natla doesn't honor her contracts, Pieere. I'd move on if I were you. 纳特拉不会兑现她的合同的,皮埃尔。如果我是你,就会去找点儿别的事做做。 No, mademoiselle. Natla and I understand each other. I find things for her and she rewards me handsomely. But you seek the very thing she does. That is why you are not trusted. 你错了,小姐。纳特拉和我彼此了解。我为她找到她要的东西,她则慷慨地付给我报酬。而你却直接盯上了她要找的东西。这就是你不被信任的原因。 I trust my instincts. 我只信任自己的直觉。 And that is why you're in second place. I am a proffesional, mademoiselle.I focus on the job, and I get paid. 这恰恰就是你被甩在后面的原因。我才是“行家里手”,小姐。我全神贯注于我的工作,然后挣得我的那份报酬。 There's more to life than money, Pieere. 生命的意义远非只是金钱,皮埃尔。 This isn't life, mademoiselle. Your compulsion prevents you from seeing the difference. 这与生命无关,小姐。这是生意。你的冲动妨碍了你辨明这两者之间的差异。 It hasn't prevented me from getting a piece of the Scion. How's business for you? 可它并未妨碍我得到那片司祭盎。倒是你的生意进展如何呢? Touché. So then, why don't we see whose compulsion gets them the next piece? 说到点子上了。既然如此,我们何不比比谁的冲动能帮助他赢得第二块碎片呢? ---- [55038D7]Here lies the God-King Tihocan; One of the Triumvirate; Keepers of the Three Pieces of the Scion; 这里安眠着神王蒂霍坎。三执政者之一,三片司祭盎的持有者之一; [558C343]Leader of the chosen after the great betrayal [55B010A]caused Atlantis to be lost beneath the waves 亚特兰蒂斯因背叛而沉入海底后,他被推选为领导人。 ---- You see? Instincts can be expensive, mademoiselle. 看到了吗?迷信直觉的代价是巨大的,小姐。 Yours are going to cost you both pieces of the Scion. 你要付出的代价就是两片司祭盎。 That's not a price I'm prepared to pay. 我并不打算付出这样的代价。 Don't be absurd. No job is worth dying for. 不要逞能了。没有什么值得这么玩命。 [5835256]Yes. It is. 不。有。 ---- [3266881]On second thought, you have it! 最后还是决定,它归你了! [3309733]Bonne chance! 祝你好运! ---- You have tainted the power of the Scion; In betraying your fellow Kings you have broken the sacred Triumvirate of Atlantis. 你玷污了司祭盎的力量;你背叛了自己的同伴,破坏了神圣的亚特兰蒂斯三执政体。 You have maimed Qualopec. You own brother. 你残害了夸洛佩克,你的亲兄弟。 I am still here, wretch. Tihocan has ended your treachery. But it is my face you will see in your nightmares. 我还活着。蒂霍坎终结了你的背信弃义。但在梦魇中你会看到我的脸。 What have you to say for yourself? 你还有什么可辩解的? But it is my face you will see in your nightmares. 但在梦魇中你会看到我的脸。 </poem> ==埃及== <poem> What have you to say for yourself? 你还有什么可辩解的? The Gods favor action, not council. 神偏爱行动,而不是会议。 Yet it is this council that rules over you today. 但今天这个会议将决定你的命运。 You rule over nothing! Atlantis is in ruin; nothing can change that. Everything must burn. Only then can the Seventh Age begin. 你们什么也决定不了了!亚特兰蒂斯被毁了;这已无可挽回。一切都必须焚烧殆尽。唯有如此,“第七纪”才会开始。 You choose a path to madness. I wash my hands of you! 你选择了一条疯狂的道路。我和你再也没关系了! For your treachery; for using the knowledge of the Scion to unleash our armies against us, I expel you forever from the sacred order of The Three, and condemn you to shame in the frozen limbo of eternity. 因你的背信弃义;因你利用司祭盎的知识驱策我们自己的军队袭击我们,我要将你永远驱逐出神圣的三执政体,并将你永远囚禁在冰狱中。 It cannot be stopped! 已经无法阻止了! The wheels of Kathar are already in motion! 一切已经发生了! Doom will find you both while I rise from the dust of your bones to finish what I've started- 当我从你们尸骸的灰烬中苏醒,去完成这已经开始的事业,你们的末日就到了—— It was you? You were the Queen of Atlantis. 那是你?你是亚特兰蒂斯的女王。 Once. 曾经是。 And the Scion holds its history. 而司祭盎保存着它的历史。 It holds far more than that. All the knowledge of the Ancients; things none of you could even comprehend. 它保存的远远不止那个。它记录了古代所有的知识;你们这些人甚至没法理解的东西。 What is the Seventh Age? 什么是“第七纪”? How far are you willing to go to find out, Lara? 你究竟要知道多少才能满足,劳拉? Not far enough, I'm afraid. 恐怕永远无法满足。 Kill her quickly. We have work to do. 快杀了她。我们还有事要做。 I'm gonna enjoy this. 我最乐意干的事了。 Enjoy watchin'. I'm cuttin' her. 你只能看着了。我要把她切成碎片。 </poem> ==失落之岛== <poem> Sorry darlin'. This is the end of the line. 抱歉了,亲爱的。这条路到此为止了。 Just hand it over, Larson. This has nothing to do with you. 把它交出来,拉森。这和你没关系。 What's got to do with you? This Scion belongs to Natla; Face it, you got no business here. 和你又有什么关系?司祭盎是纳特拉的;面对现实吧,这儿没你什么事。 I don't have time for this. Get out of the way or you die. 我没时间跟你纠缠。让开,否则你就得死。 What you gonna do, shoot me? C'mon, Lara; I just work here. 你想做什么,杀我?来啊,劳拉;我只是在这里工作。 Now I know how bad you want this, but I can't let you pass. 我知道你多想得到它,但我不能让你过去。 And we both know you're not gonna kill me for it. 我们两个都很清楚你不会为此杀我。 That's just not who you are. 那不是你。 I'm not who you think I am. 我不是你想象的那样。 ---- I was hoping you'd show up; I want to make you scream. 我正盼着你出现;我要让你尖叫。 Unless you want to end up like Larson, get out of my way. 除非你想和拉森一个下场,否则就让开。 It's so good, isn't it? It gets even better. You can't explain it to people; they have to feel it. 很不错,不是吗?甚至更棒了。你没法向人们解释这感觉,得让他们亲自品尝这滋味。 Girl, you gotta be out of your mind! 小妹妹,你脑子坏掉了吧! Not so hard now, are you? 要做缩头乌龟了,嗯? She's mine. 她是我的。 ---- Talk about being your own worst enimy. 认清你自己最大的敌人了吧。 ---- You're reached the top, Lara. There's nowhere left to go but down. 你已到达顶层,劳拉。除了往下摔,你无路可走。 You're rebuilding the army of Atlantis. 你在重新组建亚特兰蒂斯的军队。 This pyramid breeds far more than the soldiers you've faced. With the Scion, I now have the means to create anything I desire. 这座金字塔所培育的远远不止你面对过的战士。有了司祭盎,我现在能创造任何我想要的东西。 What is it you desire, Natla? 你想要什么,纳特拉? It takes Three to rule. 需要三个人来统治。 Tihocan and Qualopec were too weak to destroy what stands in the way of the Seventh Age. 蒂霍坎和夸洛佩克太弱了,他们无力扫除第七纪面临的障碍。 But you have the streength to claim this seat beside me. 而你却有资格与我平起平坐。 Immortality has its price. 永生是有代价的。 But what are a few lives to sacrifice for your dreams? 为了你的梦想,搭上那么几条小命又算得了什么呢? This is madness. 这太疯狂了。 This is what you've been searching for. 这正是你一直在搜寻的。 The answers you've sought your entire life are within the Scion; everything you've done has led you to this place. You're here because you belong here, Lara. 你终此一生所要寻找的答案就在司祭盎之中;你所做的每一件事都把你带到了这里。你来到这里,是因为你属于这里,劳拉。 That's who you are. 这是你的命运。 I'm sorry, Father. 对不起,父亲。 NOOOOOOO! 不!!!! ---- Thousands of years I've waited for this moment! Do you realize what you've done? 这一刻我等了几千年!你知道你都干了些什么? That blood on your hands, do you believe it was spilled for the good of all man, or for your own selfish desire? Look inside yourself, Lara. 你手上的鲜血,你认为它是为什么而流的?为了大众的利益?还是为了你个人的私欲?看看你的内心,劳拉。 Your heart is as black as mine. 你的心和我的一样黑。 I cannot die, you fool. 你杀不了我的,蠢货。 Sooner or later, you will be out of bullets. 你的弹药迟早会耗尽。 What have you really accomplished here? 你在这里究竟干成了什么? Nothing but a temporary stay of execution for your kind. 一事无成!只不过是延长你这种群苟延残喘的时间而已。 This island is just one remnant of Atlantis; I will find another. 这个岛只是亚特兰蒂斯残余之一;我会找到其他的。 But you, Lara. You have lost everything. 而你,劳拉。你失去了一切。 No, I havn't. 不,我没有。</poem> [[分类:古墓丽影周年纪念]]