


  • 英文来源:tombraiders.net
  • 原译者:TombCrow



第一关:吴哥窟(Level 1 -Angkor Wat)


Cambodia 1984…柬埔寨,1984年……

首先我们看到的是一个中年男子,Werner Von Croy。

Werner:And so, we breach the sanctum of the ancients, the first footfalls in this tomb for centuries.【现在,我们来到了远古的圣地,数世纪以来这座古墓中第一次响起脚步声。】

Lara:This place gives me the creeps. After you…【这地方让我不得不小心翼翼,我会跟着您……】

Lara 靠近Werner之后:

Werner:Careful. All is not as it seems. Concealed traps and pitfalls await the unwary. You must stay close and follow my instruction.【要小心。并不是所有的一切都像它表面上显示的那样。一不小心就会遭遇陷阱。你得记得跟着我,听从我的指示。】(英语中的全部否定和中文不同。“All is not as it seems”似乎是说“所有的都不是”,但是事实上这种表达方式只是部分否定,应为“不是所有的都是”。下一句“ Concealed traps and pitfalls await the unwary.”可直译为“隐蔽的陷阱和机关正等待着(我们的)粗心大意”,但是在TombCrow的印象里中国人好像没有谁会这样子说话……因此此处采取了意译。)


Werner:Good men have died for the information contained herein, and cruel men have bartered the information for their own ends. For this we must respect it. We will not deviate from its route and you will not deviate from my instruction. This way!【善人以死亡为代价探索这里的秘密,而恶人却为他们自己的利益在此争斗。因此我们必须尊重它。我们不能背离它的路线,你也不要违背我的指示。这边走! 】(第一句话的后半句中,“their own ends”指的是“他们自己的利益”。“ends”表示的是利益,当然通常是指金钱。)


Werner:The first obstacle. A small hop to test your, how do you say, pluck? Press and hold Walk. Now, push forward.【这是第一个障碍。只需要一个小小的跳跃。怎么说?孩子?只需要按下并且按住步行(默认为Shift),然后,按下前进键。】(你可能会发现这一句和原文出入比较大。这是因为TombCrow希望让这些对白更自然一些,所以没有严格直译。下面的对白还是会出现这种情况。)


Werner:Come, come, child. Do not fear. This is merely an appetizer for the perils ahead. Push forward and Jump together.【来吧,来吧,孩子。不要害怕。与未来的危险境况相比,这只是它们的开胃品而已。同时按下前进和跳跃(默认为Alt)。】


Werner:Patience child. Disrespect is the route to carelessness. Our route lays beyond the stream.【耐心点,孩子。失礼将会导致失误。我们必须到溪流的另一边去。】


Werner:This gap is wider and the edges treacherous. First walk to the edge, then press forward and Jump together. When you are in mid-air, press and hold Action. You will grab the outcrop.【这个裂口更宽,并且边缘平整。首先步行到达边缘,然后同时按下前进和跳跃。在半空中时,按下动作键(默认为Ctrl),你将抓住岩壁的边缘。】


Werner:Hold Action, and press up.【按住动作键,然后按下向上键。】


Werner:Ah, the pace is quickening now, ja? One more crossing, child. Or do you wish to stop for... tea?【啊,我们的步调加快了,不是吗?那里有另一个裂口,不过你是不是打算先休息一下来杯茶?】

Lara:Oh, I think I can just about hold it together. Wouldn't want to spill it your nice suit at any rate.【噢,我想我可以带着茶行动,不过我可不想把它失手洒了弄脏了你的漂亮衣服。】(起初Lara的话让TombCrow疑惑不解。多亏后来颇为天才的 wildchild灵光闪现,才算搞清楚这句话的意思……)


Werner:Now, press forward and immediately press and hold Jump. Then hold down Action to grab onto the ledge.【现在,按下前进键,接着马上按下跳跃。然后按抓动作键抓住岩壁。】


Werner:A useful crack, rendered by the hand of time, invisible to the untrained eye.【墙上的裂纹大有用处,可以利用它们进行攀爬,但是未经训练的人通常对它们视而不见。】

Lara:You're a regular superhero, Werner.【你真是训练有素的超级英雄,Werner。】

Werner:Ah yes.. the super.. man? Hmph! Is enough comedy.【啊,是……超——人?嗯,这个称呼挺有意思。】

Werner:Run to the wall. Now press forward and hold Action to grab on. Now press right to shimmy across!【到墙角处,按下前进并按住动作键。现在按下向右的方向键攀过来。】


Werner:Good! Good! Now press forward to climb up.【好!好极了!现在按下前进键攀上来。】


Werner:This is a high fall. You should lower yourself down to be safe. Turn around to face away from the door. Now press back and hold Action. Let go of Action to fall to the floor.【这个垮台很高,为了安全起见,你必须先低下身子。背对着出口,按下后退和动作键,然后放开动作键落到下面去。】


Werner:Your chance to earn your keep, child. The mechanism to activate the bridge lays at the other side of the stream. These rivers cascade through chambers and caverns deep below these prehistoric foothills. As a consequence...【你的表现机会来了,孩子。放下吊桥的机关在水池的那一头。河流形成瀑布冲刷到隐藏在这远古丘陵下的洞窑的深处,然后……】

Lara:Freezing! I guessed. Your gout playing up again Werner?【等一下,我已经猜到了。您的痛风病又发作了,是吧,Werner?】(Lara之所以这么说,是因为她意识到Werner又要差遣她干活了,看来Werner经常指使Lara给他干苦力啊,自己倒是很舒服……因此Lara讽刺他为“痛风病发作”,所以自己不能做事,只能有劳Lara了。)


Werner:In deep pools, you can swim by pressing Jump. Use the Direction to navigate through the water. There may be artifacts... trinkets at the bed.【在深水中,你可以按跳跃键划水。用方向键可以控制在水中的行进方向。可能会有一些价值连城的古董散落在河床那里。】


Lara:Your average priceless seaweed.【这里只有你的“价值连城”的海藻。】(Lara这句话又是在讽刺Werner。因为刚才Werner告诉她河床处可以找到一些古玩。Lara告诉他下面只有一些海草。看来 Lara对她从水池里得到的药包和黄金头骨并不满足……)

Werner:No prizes for you this time Lara! Ah well, use forward and left and right to move across the surface until you reach the shore. Then press Action to climb out.【这次没有得到战利品,Lara!好,现在按下前进和向左,游到岸边去。然后按下动作键爬上去。】


Werner:You will catch your death in those clothes my dear. A quick sprint up that ladder will dry you out again.【亲爱的,这身衣服会要你的命的。迅速攀爬一次梯子就能蒸发掉这些水份。】(TombCrow 打破脑瓜都想不通为什么那身衣服会要小Lara的命,于是只好去英语论坛问老外们。原来这是他们古老的信仰。当时Lara刚从水里上来,浑身湿漉漉的,这样当然容易生病。在古老的年代,小小的感冒也足以致死。因此在英语中有这样一种古老的说法:湿漉漉的衣服会要人的命。事实上Werner是在借这种古英语表达方式开玩笑。古墓丽影中这种“English Old Saying”以及一些俚语和玩笑话真是要命!TombCrow在翻译黑暗天使对白的时候已经见识过了……)

Lara:Such concern. I never knew you cared.【我从来不知道你还在意这个。】(TombCrow认为原句的意思其实是在说“我不知道你还在意这种迷信”。因为“湿衣服要人命”这种说法可能和中国人忌讳用红笔写人家的名字,在船上吃鱼的时候不能把鱼翻个个,吃饭的时候忌讳把筷子竖着一样。)

Werner:Dear Lara, you are a valuable asset to the quest.【你知道吗,对于探险而言你实在是不可多得的珍宝。】

Lara:You old romantic, you.【啊,你的古典浪漫主义又来了。】

Werner:Yes, quite.【是啊,确实。】


Werner:Walk up to the ladder. Now press and hold Action to climb onto it. Keep this button pressed, and use forward to climb to the top.【到梯子这里,按住动作键,再按住前进键到达顶部攀上去。】


Werner:Swiftly across the vines now. Press Jump. Then hold down Action to grab onto the bars.【现在快速通过这里的蔓藤。按下跳跃,然后按住动作键抓住横木。】


Werner:There is no mention of this in the texts. I fear this must be opened internally. We must enter through the grate and be wary of snares.【关于这里的信息目前还是一片空白。恐怕得我们亲自深入其中去填补空白了。我们必须小心陷阱和机关。】

Lara:I presume by "we" you refer to me.【我觉得你说“我们”的时候其实只是指我。】(显然Lara是意识到Werner又要不失时机地利用她了。)

Werner:Ja. My heavier frame may activate traps. You will pass unnoticed.【不错。我的高大身材很容易触发机关,你倒可能有惊无险地通过。】

Lara:How convenient.【我倒是拥有天生优势嘛。】


Werner:Stand facing the grate. Now, press and hold the Crouch button. Push forward to crawl into the gap. Be alert!【面对入口处站好,按住下蹲键(默认为>)按下前进爬进裂口。千万小心!】


Werner:Ah, a backpack. Let us hope it does not hold the same luck for you as its previous owner.【啊,一个背包,希望它给你带来的命运和它前一个主人不同。】(Werner显然是猜到了Lara是如何得到这个背包的。其实这也不难猜测:里面只有死人。)

Lara:I make my own luck Werner. What now?【我的命运是由我自己掌握的,Werner。现在做什么?】(这句话 TombCrow非常欣赏,因此印象尤其深刻,所以后来又再次遇到同样的话时一下子就想起来了。第二次说这话的已经是大Lara了,呵呵……英语台词一摸一样,但是由于语言环境有点差别,TombCrow在翻译的时候与现在的这句也有细微的差异。再次遇到这句话的时候,TombCrow会有提示。)


Werner:Now it begins. The eyes of the ancients are upon us, and their vengeance is wrathful. We must move quickly! When running, press and hold Sprint to gain extra speed.【现在开始了。那些在此作古的人们正看着我们,他们将怀着暴怒进行复仇。我们必须尽快跑过去!在跑动的时候,按下加速键(默认为/)获得加速。 】


Werner:Dive through the gap! Dive through the gap! Press Jump to perform a diving roll!【俯冲通过这里!俯冲!按下跳跃键来个俯冲翻滚。】



Werner:So you found the Garden of the Five Towers. Well done my child. To the right, the Path of the Heretical. To the left is the Route of the Virtuous.【你找到了五塔花园。干得漂亮,孩子。往右边,是一条不为人所知的路线,而左边,是一条平常的道路。】(五塔是吴哥窟的象征性建筑,代表金木水火土五行。Heretical和Virtuous分别表示恶(或者异端,与众不同)与善。善之路与恶之路……在这里 TombCrow只能再次使用意译。)

Lara:I’m up for a little heresy.【我宁愿冒险。】


Werner:The Garden of the Five Towers. To the right, the Path of The Heretical. To the left is the Route of the Virtuous.【这是五塔花园。往右边,是一条不为人所知的路线,而左边,是一条平常的道路。】

Lara:You know me, Werner. A regular virtuoso.【你知道的,Werner,我想稳妥一点。】


Werner:Now it becomes interesting, ja? You see now, it is not for the weak of heart. How do you hold up girl?【现在开始有趣了,不是吗?脆弱的心理是无法承受的,你怎么应付呢?小姑娘?】

Lara:Oh, I think I could get used to this.【我想我会习惯的。】


Werner:Swing across to the alcove. Jump from the ledge, then hold down and Action to grab the vine. To release, let go of Action.【荡到旁边的平台去。从这个平台起跳,空中按下动作键抓住绳子,等到要放开绳子时,再放开动作键。】

第二关:竞逐彩虹女神(Level 2 – Race for the Iris)


Werner:And now for the last. You are an exemplary student Lara, although you have not yet learned the root of all adventuring, the craving to win, at whatever cost. I throw down the gauntlet to you, my child. Whoever is first to the Iris claims the prize.【现在是最后的考验了,你是一个相当出色的学生,Lara。但是你还没有把冒险的根本所在学到手。那就是对胜利的渴望,无论代价如何。现在我向你下战书,我的孩子。谁先到达彩虹女神(Iris)那里,谁就能得到这份战利品。 】

Lara:Watch your back old man. I warn you, I'll pull no punches.【当心点,老伯伯,我得警告你,我是不会放水的。】

Werner:Hahaha!! I expected no less! On the count of three; one... two...【哈哈哈!我想也是!数到三就出发:一……二……】(Werner好赖皮啊,说好数到三才走的,这家伙数到二就先跑了。彩虹女神在柬埔寨的地盘上,这种文物这么可以说归谁就归谁啊,一点都不尊重人家的主权……)



Werner:And so, the pupil excels the master. I congratulate you on your agility. Take your prize from the plinth. You have earned it.【啊,学生赢了老师。恭喜你。从那个柱基上去取你的奖品吧,你赢得了它。 】

Lara:In the time you took to find your way here, I've examined the inscriptions. It warns of vengeance on those who remove it.【在你寻找通往这里的路的时候,我看了一下这些碑铭,上面警告说搬动它会遭到报复的。】


Werne:Ha! I am not such an old man after all, ja? Come here, child. The mechanism will require us both to release it.【哈!无论如何,我还没老成那样,是不是?到这里来,孩子,这个装置需要我们两个一起启动。】

Lara:The plinth inscription warns vengeance on those who remove it.【柱基的碑铭上警告说搬动它会遭到报复的。】


Werner:Ah!!! Ancient hocus pocus. Forget this nonsense and come over here!【啊!!!古老的骗术。忘了这些垃圾,到这边来!】

Lara:I don't count poison darts and triggered entombment your average child's tea party. I feel we should lend this some respect.【我可没有忘记那些毒镖和死人。我觉得多少应该尊重一点这些警告。 】

Werner:Ah, and you are the world-famous archeologist adventurer Lara Croft, ja? No, no, I am the reknown archeologist adventurer Werner Von Croy and you will do as I say! Go to wall and pull the lever!【啊,你是全球闻名的探险考古学家吗?Lara Croft?你是吗?不,你不是!我才是世界上最著名的探险考古专家!我,是我:Werner Von Croy!你得听我的!到墙那边去,拉下开关!】

Lara:What was it that you said? Disrespect is the route to carelessness?【你自己说过什么来着?失礼会导致失误的。】

Werner:I am weary of this. Pull the lever now Miss Croft.【我对这个厌烦了。拉下开关,Croft小姐。】

Lara:On your head be it Von Croy.【听你的,Von Croy。】


Werner:Have faith in experience child and you will learn more than simple.【要对自己的经验有足够的信心,孩子。这样你就不会那么容易受骗了。】


Lara:You were saying?【瞧你刚才说了什么来着?】


Werner:My leg!! My leg!! I am trapped!! My leg is trapped!! Help me Lara!! Help me!!【我的腿!我的腿!我被卡住了!!快救救我Lara!!救我!!】

Lara:Hold on! I'm coming back to get you!【坚持住!我会回来救你!】




第四关:墓室(Level 4 – Burial Chambers)


I, Semerkhet, high priest of Horus, forewarned that he who removes the amulet shall have released Seth. He who walked abroad with the jackal at the dawn of man shall once again violate the earth...【我,塞米尔卡特(Semerkhet),太阳神何露斯的最高祭司,在此警告,谁移动了护身符,势必释放了邪恶的塞特。这个从史前时代起就与豺狼为伍的恶神将再次侵犯这个世界……】(TombCrow忽然开窍:“at the dawn of man”直译就是“人类的黎明”,指的应该是人类文明的萌芽时期。也就是说相当古老的年代。)

Seth, ruler of evil, will again be free at the turn of the distant millennia. At his heel, plagues and locusts. Harvests fail under the broken skies.【众恶之王塞特,在遥远未来的千年之交将被再次释放。瘟疫和蝗虫将接踵而至。阴暗天空下,地面上永远享受不到丰收的喜悦。】(“at the turn of the millennia”应该指的是千年交替时期,前面加上一个distant,表示距离相当的遥远。)


Lara:My trusty companion returns.【我忠诚的伙伴终于回来了。】

向导:The amulet, woman!【给我护身符,女人!】

Lara:Once called forth shall the heavens split asunder and the light of the Sun God Horus shall banish the lord of darkness, Seth.【(继续阅读护身符上的文字)当雷电撕裂天空,太阳神何露斯的光芒终将驱逐黑暗世界的霸主塞特。】


Lara:I wouldn’t advise it.【我并不需要多说什么了吧(你最好放聪明一点)。】

第六关:国王谷5号(Level 6 – KV5)


Von Croy:Fools! The Croft woman has outsmarted you, Yah, and she escapes!【蠢货!Croft(这是Lara的姓,不要告诉我你以前不知道……)比你们精明多了,她逃走了!】

向导:...the amulet, Herr Von Croy, it talks of the priest Semerkhet...【……护身符,Von Croy先生,说到了塞米尔卡特祭司……】

Von Croy:Semerkhet...【塞米尔卡特……】

Lara 拜访她的朋友Jean

Jean:Mon dieu, Lara!?【天哪,Lara?是你?】(原文为法语“Mon Dieu”,跟英语中的“My God”是一回事。看来这位朋友是法国人。)

Lara:Jean Yves, my faithful friend.【Jean Yves,我忠实的朋友……】(再次肯定了我们的猜测,Jean Yves这名字一看就知道是法国人!顺带提一句,法国在古埃及研究领域颇有建树,出了好几位著名学者,甚至古埃及的象形文字也是由拿破仑时代一位天才的法国学者破译的。法国和埃及关系也不错,巴黎协和广场上树立的方尖碑就是埃及送给法国国王的——它原来树立的埃及的卢克索神庙,是卡纳克之外埃及最重要的神庙群。后来拉美西斯二世——好像是他,TombCrow记得不是很清楚了——他的木乃伊由于在埃及保管不善,被送到法国进行“医治”,当时这位出访法国的古埃及国王受到了国家元首般的接待……好像是在70年代吧……上面说到的方尖碑则似乎是18XX年的事情,总之不是很久远。还有一种说法,说那块方尖碑是法国人抢去的,不过好歹法国还是回赠了东西的,所以TombCrow姑且算它是礼物吧,只不过带了点抢劫的性质。)

Jean:I fear this is not a social visit.【恐怕你不是来串门的吧。】(“a social visit”直译为“社交行拜访”,属于没事找事的类型,因此TombCrow就翻译为“串门”了。)

Lara:Only if you want Von Croy gate-crashing the party.【除非你也准备好了好好招待Von Croy这位不速之客。】(Lara 的话直译为“除非你希望Von Croy在我们的聚会上破门而入”。“gate-crashing(砸碎大门)”……比较暴力啊,用得太形象了。)

Jean:Von Croy?【Von Croy?】


Lara:I think he was looking for this.【我想他是在找这个东西。】

Jean:The amulet of Horus, a legendary artifact. So you have found and opened the tomb of Seth. This does not bode well...【何露斯的护身符,传说中的神器!这么说你已经找到了塞特的坟墓,并且打开了它!这可不是好兆头。】

Jean 开始阅读文件

Translating from the Hebrew, he who removes the amulet shall once more release the dark powers of Seth...【根据这些希伯来文件的译本,谁移动了护身符,将再次释放塞特的邪恶力量……】(你可能不明白埃及的东西为什么是记录在“希伯来”文件上的——难道希伯来人是埃及人的祖先?TombCrow可以简单解释一下。希伯来人跟埃及人自然不是一回事,他们是现代犹太人的祖先。如果你看过圣经,对这个民族就不会陌生,因为旧约中就记录了希伯来人的起源和简史。他们和埃及人的关系始于一场饥荒,当时希伯来人因此而迁入埃及。在漫长的岁月里,他们生养众多,在埃及形成了一个逐渐壮大的以色列民族。由于与埃及人的矛盾与斗争,最后在摩西的率领下——你一定听说过“摩西十诫”,那就是摩西带领希伯来人出埃及时上帝给希伯来人的告诫,从现代意义上讲,就是一份霸王合同,近代意义上讲,是不平等条约。因为人类没有选择,全是上帝说了算的……摩西在圣山上接受了铭刻十诫的石碑下山,《圣经》云:……两面都写了字的石碑……碑的两面都有字……碑的正面和背面都写了字……这就是圣经的语言风格。所以看外语版本的比较好,可以了解一下同一句话的多种表达方式——他们离开了埃及又进入迦南。因此可以说希伯来人和埃及人曾共享一段历史,大约是公元前17世纪到公元前13世纪左右。但即使是出了埃及,TombCrow也觉得他们和埃及人实在交往频繁……简单地作个对比吧,其实希伯来人记录埃及的东西,这就好比古代韩国人记录中国历史一样平常。)

Jean 阅读文献上记录的塞特的话

I am the shadow across the sun; I am the bringer of plagues. My wrath will consume all lands and shall be ceaseless...【我是遮蔽阳光的阴影,我是瘟疫的使者。我的愤怒将毁灭所有的大陆,永不停息……】


The power to summon Sun God Horus shall only be revealed to the bearer of the amulet within the temple of Semerkhet in Karnak.【拿走护身符的人必须进入位于卡纳克的塞米尔卡特之墓,唯有如此,方能释放出召唤太阳神何露斯的力量。】


The ceremony is complete as the Armor of Horus summons the Sun God. The armor of Horus. At the dig site, my men talk fearfully of this. The prophecies would double the prehistoric evil...【当何露斯的铠甲召唤出太阳之神,仪式即告完成。何露斯的铠甲。在考古挖掘现场,我的手下无不谈之色变。可怕的预言更是让人对这个史前恶魔加倍恐惧……】(“The prophecies would double the prehistoric evil”……这句话中的double是本意,也就是双倍的意思,这句话直译就是“预言使这个史前恶魔加倍可怕”。)

Lara:The armor must also be Von Croy’s goal.【这些铠甲必定也是Von Croy的目标。】

Jean:Ahh, yeah, releasing Seth, prehistoric evil, But how could you have known my dear.【唉,是啊……释放塞特,史前恶魔。但是你之前怎么可能知道这些呢,亲爱的。】(“how could you have known”这句话直译为“你是怎么知道的呢”,隐含意思就是对方知道。但是TombCrow还是采取了与之背道而驰的翻译。因为TombCrow坚持认为,Lara拿走了护身符释放了塞特,其实是闯了大祸。但她是无意为之,所以Jean这句话其实说“你怎么可能知道”,也就是说Lara其实事先不可能知道拿走护身符的严重后果,他说这句话是安慰Lara的。)

Lara:Time to put things right and remove the thorn in my side in the process.【现在是时候了,我该把事情好好收拾一下。我得去清除那些阻碍着我的障碍。】


第九关:圣湖(Level 9 – Sacred Lake)

本关结束,Lara进入墓穴,身后忽然传来Von Croy的声音

Von Croy:Miss Croft!【Croft小姐!】

Lara:Von Croy……

Von Croy:You sound concerned, my dear. Have you misplaced something?【听上去你有点心事嘛,亲爱的。你是不是把什么东西放错地方了?】

Lara:Nothing I shan’t be retrieving at a later date, Liebe. You know how I admire your perseverance.【没有什么东西是我以后找不回来的,先生。但我实在钦佩您的韧性。】(在这里“you know”是一个毫无实际意义的短语,它在口语中通常是转换话题的标记。)

Von Croy:I fear that you may be testing it to the .. how would you say... to the maximum?【恐怕你正在试图……你会怎么说来着……竭尽全力?】(TombCrow觉得这里的“maximum”是Von Croy将这个略带褒义的中性词贬用。TombCrow猜测Von Croy指的是Lara现在已经使出了浑身解数,意指她已经是强弩之末之类的意思……)

Lara:If the leg is causing all of this resentment, I remember that to be from pulling hazardous levers.【如果你那条瘸腿是你仇恨的根源,我记得是因为当年我拉下了那个碰运气的转轮吧?】(这句话中的 “leg”一度让TombCrow钻进了死胡同,总是认为有什么引申意义。加纳朋友Irene却坚持是本意,就是指腿。细心的话会发现Von Croy在正式关卡中出现时总是离不开拐杖,他在训练关关尾去拿彩虹女神的时候一条腿被木桥卡住,可能是那时候造成的伤残。Lara在这里借用这个来讽刺他。)

Von Croy:Enough of this tedious banter, it is time for you to realize... Miss Croft?【玩笑开够了,现在是让你觉悟的时候了……Croft小姐?】

Von Croy拔下护身符,Lara被困在墓中

第十关:塞米尔卡特古墓(Level 10 – Tomb Of Semerkhet)


For I have served the God of Light - Horus- at the time of plagues... To read this inscription means the Lord of Darkness is free.Seth is released to walk among the mortals enlisting his armies abroad of the night to server him.【我曾于灾难时代侍服光明之神何露斯……本碑铭被阅读之时,黑暗之王已重获自由,塞特正于众生之中再次征募其走卒。】


He who removes the amulet and releases the dark power of Set shall summon the Sun God Horus for only the power of light will again imprison him. By the power of the amulet and the armor of Horus shall Seth...be confined for all eternity. Summon the might of Horus through the light of the millennium constellations into the temple beneath the ageless pyramid. And to his likeness set in stone Horus…and his armor. He is once more poised to battle and defeat Seth.【取走护身符并释放塞特黑暗力量者,务必召唤太阳之神何露斯,以获得唯一能够再次囚禁塞特的光明之力。何露斯的护身符及其铠甲之威力必将再次封印塞特。去不朽金字塔下的神圣庙宇中,于千年璀璨星光下召唤何露斯的力量!将何露斯的铠甲重新披上他神圣的石像……何露斯之神力必将再次战胜邪恶的塞特!】(“through the light of the millennium constellations into the temple beneath the ageless pyramid”这句话翻译得并不到位。原文主干是“trouth the light into the temple”,即“在神庙中的星光下”。其他成分是两个定语,分别修饰“light”和“temple”。因此原文有三层含义:1,位于金字塔之下的神庙中;2,在千年星光下;3,星光射入神庙。译文没能明确表达出原文的第三个意思,而那正是句子的主干部分!但是这已经是TombCrow能找到的最理想的翻译方式了……至于那个“金字塔之下的神庙”,据TombCrow所知,在金字塔下的是法老的墓室啊……当然有例外,就是埃及最庞大的金字塔之主胡夫,他把墓室移到了金字塔内,从地下搬到了地上。当然,到最后我们就可以知道,这里的“不朽金字塔”指的是胡夫金字塔,“神圣庙宇”指的则是何露斯神庙。)

第十一关:塞米尔卡特的守护者(Level 11 – Guardian Of Semerkhet)


Lara:Hands on your head! Take me to Von Croy!【举起手来!带我去 Von Croy那里!】

Lara看到Von Croy坐着直升飞机离开了

Lara:Where is he headed?【他去哪儿?】

向导:You waste your time.【你在浪费你的时间。】

Lara:This attitude problem. You people need to learn some manners. Tell me now or you’ve just run out of time!【这样的态度可不好。你这种人得好好学学礼仪规范。马上告诉我,否则你的时间可就没有了!】



Lara:Your workforce is about to be delayed!【你们该赶紧了。】(“is about to be delayed”直译为“马上就要耽搁了”。)


第十三关:亚历山大(Level 13 – Alexandria)


Jean:Lara! You are alive! I feared for you. What’s…【Lara!你还活着!我好担心你啊,究竟发生了……】(Jean 显然是想问“What's happened”——发生了什么事)

Lara:Von Croy has the amulet.【Von Croy拿到了护身符。】

Jean:Ahh, this is bad. But he doesn’t yet have the armor; there is still time to prepare for Seth.【啊,太糟糕了。但是他还没有得到铠甲。我们还有时间对付塞特。】

Lara:Jean, I am tired. Give a girl a break.【Jean,我好累,让我休息一会儿吧。】

Jean:My dear, when all this is over, you can retire. But now, we must move swiftly. My men dive into the bay for remnants of Cleopatra’s lost palaces.【亲爱的,这一切都结束以后,你有的是时间休息。但是现在,我们必须抓紧时间。我的手下正在海湾挖掘失落的克里奥帕特拉(Cleopatra)宫殿。】


Jean:Yes. She realized the armor’s significance and had it brought here. Some was subsequently scattered. But...【对。她意识到了铠甲的非凡意义,所以把它带到了那里。后来各部分被分散了。但是……】

Lara:And where would you recommend I start looking?【你认为我应该从哪里开始呢?】

Jean:In the Catacombs under Alexandria, my diggers have unearthed chambers connected to the Great Library. This would hold the true location of Cleopatra’s palaces. But we have yet to find a way in.【亚历山大的地下墓穴(Catacombs)。我的雇员已经挖掘了通向大图书馆的墓室。克里奥帕特拉宫殿的真正位置应该就在那里。但是我们得先找到一条进去的路。】(“chamber”应该是一个“外来词”,来自于法语 “chambre”。在法语中的意思是房间。)

Lara:Take me there.【带我去那儿。】

Jean:But there is a problem...【但有个问题……】

Lara:Von Croy!

Jean:Yes, his dig is expanding, crossing over many of my own tunnels. Of course, my men no longer work when Von Croy’s thugs appeared on the scene.【对,他的挖掘兴师动众,已经越过了好几条我的地道。他手下那帮暴徒一出现,我的人显然就没法干活了。】

Lara:Time to introduce myself to Werner’s loyal work force.【是把我引荐给Werner那帮忠实的伙计的时候了。】

Jean:First you must get into the Catacombs. Von Croy has them completely sealed up. And I fear he will soon have the armor.【首先你必须进入地下墓穴。Von Croy已经把它们全部封闭起来了。我担心他很快就会拿到铠甲。】

Lara:Over my dead body.【他休想!除非我死了。】(直译为“从我的尸体上跨过去”,但是真正的意思其实更接近于“休想”之意)

Jean:This I fear also. I shall wait here for news. Return if you feel I can help in any way. Good Luck, Lara. I fear that you may need it.【这也是我担心的(晕!担心Lara会被杀?!)。我在这里等你的消息。如果觉得我能帮你什么你就回来。祝你好运,Lara。恐怕这回你真需要一点运气了。】

Lara:I make my own luck.【我的运气我自己可以创造。】(还记得第一关的小Lara得到背包以后,怎么回答Von Croy的调侃的吗?“我的命运由我自己掌握。”英文原句是一模一样的。)


Jean:More information? Oui?I believe some of the armor could be here in the town. A local collector had a small exhibition and was rumored to have a piece. It is hard to say if this is true. The man was a fool. A while back he vanished leaving the exhibition boarded up. If Von Croy has not gotten to it, perhaps, this would be the place to begin.【需要更多的信息,是吗?(原文“Oui?”,为法语。)我相信铠甲的一些部分就在这个镇上。这里有个收藏家曾经举办了一个展览,有传言说其中包含了铠甲的一个部分。很难说这究竟是真是假。那人真是愚蠢。没过多久他就消失了,丢下那些被栅木板围起来的展览品撒手不管了。如果Von Croy还没有得到那个部分,或许你可以从那里开始。”】(Jean之所以说那个人愚蠢,是因为他贸贸然地公布了他拥有铠甲的一部分。这显然是自找麻烦,惹祸上身。)


Jean:Lara, I have been doing some reading and it is highly probable that some of the armor is hidden down in the Catacombs themselves. But you must take care. Word of Von Croy’s men fleeing from the tunnels has reached me. Seth’s apparitions have been moving into the city and gathering at ancient sites. You must hurry and find the library.【Lara,我查了一些资料,铠甲的一部分很可能就藏在地下墓穴里。但是你必须小心。我听说Von Croy的一些人从地道里逃了出来,说塞特手下的幽灵已经进入了城市,在一些远古遗址聚集起来了。你得赶紧找到图书馆。】(“Word of Von Croy’s men fleeing from the tunnels has reached me.”直译为“从地道里逃出来的Von Croy的人的话传到了我这里。”)


Jean:Greetings Lara.Remember, somewhere in the library will be the means to guide you to the location of Cleopatra’s Palaces. Von Croy will not know you have found the library yet. But I have heard, through connections, that he has hired new local help and is doubly searching for another way in. But I fear...that we must move quickly - if we are to stay ahead. Remember the Great Library was very much like a university to ancient Alexandria. It will full of knowledge, puzzles and inventions. You will need quick wits to get through.Good luck, old friend.【你好,劳拉。记住,图书馆的一些地方能指引你到达克里奥帕特拉宫殿。Von Croy还不知道你已经发现了图书馆。但是我听说他已经新雇佣了几个当地人做帮手,在加班加点搜寻另一条通道。总之我担心……我们必须开足马力赶在他前头。记住,大图书馆更像是古代亚历山大的一所综合性大学。里面充满了智慧,迷题和发明。你需要足够机智才能通过。祝你好运,我的老朋友。 】(亚历山大图书馆并不是“更像”一所大学,它本来就是大学!图书馆是亚历山大博学园的一个重要组成部分,与亚历山大植物园,亚历山大动物园,亚历山大研究院等构成一个整体,是当时学者云集,文明荟萃之地。)


Jean:Ahh Lara, You have most truly put Von Croy’s nose out of joint this time. If even, well, get this less than perfect, I would be very happy. As it is, we must now be even more careful. He will become even more desperate and thus more dangerous. Be on your guard. Use the artifact to get into Cleopatra’s Palaces and find the rest of the armor. Tread carefully now. And not too much sightseeing, hm?【啊,Lara,这回你几乎真的给了Von Croy当头一棒!如果事情能够更完美,我就会很高兴了。现在的问题是我们必须加倍小心。Von Croy现在已经不顾一切了,因此更加危险。你千万要注意防范。你可以用那个神物进入克里奥帕特拉宫殿,找到剩下的铠甲。现在得步步小心,也不要逗留太久,嗯?】(“put Von Croy’s nose out of joint”直译为“把Von Croy的鼻子打脱臼”,此处采取意译(也只能意译)。“If even, well, get this less than perfect, I would be very happy.”这句话其实是说事情其实并不完美,Jean并不高兴。“not too much sightseeing”中的“sightseeing”是观光的意思,用在这里一方面是要Lara不要掉以轻心,另一方面是要她抓紧时间。)

第十八关:德米特里一世大厅(Level 18 – The Hall Of Demetrius)


Lara:The table was returned to the sands that had spawned it beneath the Citadel of Salidin in ancient Cairo foretelling of the time in the distant millennia when the stars of Orion come together - The ceremony is performed and Seth entombed.【仪式石板已重新化为在古开罗时代于撒拉丁城堡下孕育了它的沙砾。这预言了在遥远未来的千年交替之际,猎户座诸星将重新汇聚——仪式举行,而塞特则被埋葬。】

Von Croy忽然带着手下出现,打断了她

Von Croy:Hello, my dear! Another unannounced visit. I see that you have found the scroll we unearthed. Interesting reading, Yah?【你好啊,我亲爱的,我们又不期而遇了。我看到你发现了我们挖掘出来的卷轴。读着很有趣吧。】

Lara:Only interesting if you know what it refers to.【要是你知道上面写了什么,那才有趣。】

Von Croy:Yes, Yes, quite correct my dear. The armor on its own is more than a curiosity. But with the amulet and the ceremonial tablet, it becomes an important historical artifact predating the Bible by centuries.【是啊,没错,完全正确,亲爱的。盔甲的意义可不止是满足我们的好奇心!有了护身符和仪式石板,它就成了一件重要的历史古文物,甚至比圣经时代还要古老好几个世纪。】

Lara:There is more at stake here than the sum of the pieces, Von Croy. Ever heard of Armageddon. Unpleasant, even by your standards.【这里的危险指数甚至超过了这些纸片的总数。听说过哈米吉多顿吧。并不是什么值得高兴的事,即使是按你的标准来看。】(“哈米吉多顿”是《圣经》中记录的世界末日善恶决战的战场,那时耶稣会复活,与恶魔撒旦作战,最终击败撒旦。所有笃信基督的“义人”都能够平安度过哈米吉多顿,那些死去的人也会复活,最后大家都生活在一个没有痛苦、没有死亡、没有眼泪的乐园中,享受永生。不过TombCrow觉得,生活在没有痛苦和死亡的世界本身就是够痛苦的。)

Von Croy:Rebinding the spirits of Seth, putting the armor on the statue at midnight at the turn of the millennium, so on, and such like. I was never a believer in the magical hocus pocus.【重新囚禁塞特的灵魂,在千年交替的午夜时分将铠甲披上雕像,诸如此类,如此这般。我从来就不会相信这种可笑的骗局。】

Lara趁他们不备躲开跃到楼下,Von Croy命令手下追击,自己则从一扇暗门离开了这里

第二十关:克里奥帕特拉宫殿(Level 20 -Cleopatra's Palaces)

Lara回到Jean处,但是只看到一张Von Croy的留言条

Congratulations, you’ve survived to another day. I trust that you now have all the armor. Jean Yves shall be escorting us to Cairo. Not entirely of his own free will, I admit. A simple trade - his life for the armor of Horus! Do not take too long thinking it over!Yours, apologetic, Werner.【恭喜你又多活了一天!相信你已经找到了全部的铠甲。Jean Yves陪我们去了开罗。我承认我们稍微剥夺了一点点他的自由。我向你推荐一桩简单的交易——用他的命换何露斯的铠甲!希望你不要考虑太久了!歉意的Werner。】


第二十三关:古堡大门(Level23 -Citadel Gate)



Azizus:What in God's name has happened here? Where are the rest of my men?【到底发生了什么事?我剩下的士兵都去了哪里?】

Lara:I banged into a couple of them. They appear to have sealed off all of the exits.【我倒是撞见了几个。看样子他们已经封锁了这里所有的出口。】

Azizus:Yes, yes. This, this is good. You must help us to. . . to. . . to. . . liberate the city.【是的,是的,啊,这很好。你得帮助我们,帮……帮我们……解救这座城市。】

Lara:I'm just here for directions. I need a route to the Citadel.【我来这里是为了得到指引。我需要找到进入古城堡的路。】

Azizus:This is not so good. This is where the main activity takes place.【这不太好办。那东西正赖在那里哪。】(“This is where the main activity takes place”直译为“那里正是那东西的主要活动区”之类。)


Azizus:We encountered it as the skies began to darken. A creature from our ancient past. It tore through my men like a firestorm. I managed to station an ammunition truck before the beast had a mind to ignite the explosive devices. But with renewed vigor it forced us back. It was as if it knew of our plans.【在天空阴沉下来时我们所遭遇的东西。是一只远古怪物。它的袭击迅如风暴,我手下的士兵死伤惨重。我把一辆军火车停在怪物前面,打算将它引爆,好除掉它。但是它迫使我们撤退,看样子似乎觉察到了我们的计划。】(“It tore through my men like a firestorm”似乎是比较容易让人误解的一句话。因为“firestorm”中带了一个“fire”-火,而巨龙的攻击手段正好是喷射火球,也和火有关。所以可能会让人觉得Azizus在说他的手下被那只怪物的火球杀死。但是事实上“firestorm”并没有“火球”的意思。另外我们可以看一下原文的结构——It tore through my men like a firestorm,按照它的句子结构翻译过来就是“它像firestorm一样撕咬了我的手下”。这样,“firestorm”也绝对不可能是“火球” 的意思。这个词最贴切的意思应当是类似于“开火”,意指动作极为迅速。)

Lara:Beast or no beast, Sarge, I've got to get into that building.【无论如何,长官,我得进入古城堡。】(TombCrow认为“that building”指的就是古城堡。)

Azizus:You have spirit. Perhaps. . . . As we retreated we have mined some of the streets to prevent contamination. Two of my men are still in the area out by the northern cemetery. One of them holds the frequency for the mine detector. The other holds the second half of the code for the explosive device.【你很坚毅。也许……我们撤退的时候在一些街道埋下了地雷,以阻挡那些怪物。我的两个手下还在北面墓地的附近。他们一个拿着排雷器,一个拥有另一半的爆破代码。】(TombCrow认为Azizus说的“也许……”后面省略了“你真的可以帮我们”或者“你真的可以成功”之类的话,而不是说Lara “也许”很有毅力!)

Lara:And if I find them?【找到他们以后呢?】

Azizus:Tell them that Azizus sent you. I heard your motorbike. Once you have the codes, take me on it to the ammunition truck. I shall eradicate the blockage. But hurry, for I am not long of this world.【告诉他们是Azizus叫你去的。我听到你的摩托车的声音了。得到代码以后,把我带到军火车那里去。我得根除那个障碍。但是请你赶快,我活不了多久了。】


Azizus:Your bike will need modification to clear some of the larger obstacles. Nitrous Oxide connected to the carburetor should give it extra punch. Go! Bring me the codes.【你的车可能需要改造一下以越过更大的障碍。把一氧化二氮安上汽化器可以给它额外的动力。去吧,把代码给我找来!】

第二十五关:街市(Level 25 – Street Bazaar)


Lara:Put your gun away! Azizus sent me!【把枪拿开!是Azizus叫我来的!】

士兵:Help me, Englisher. I bleed to death. I tried to hide, but those things…smell the blood on me.【救救我,英国人。我流血太多,快不行了。我试着躲避,但是它们……能闻到我身上的血腥味。】

Lara:I’ve come for the mine frequency. I need to get back to Azizus through this rabbit warren with both my legs still intact.【我是来找探雷器的。我可不能缺胳膊断腿地从这个破地方回Azizus那儿去。】(“rabbit warren”直译为“养兔场”,引申为拥挤、破败的地方。Lara的原话中只是说“with both my legs still intact”地回去,指的是双腿完好,并没有提到她的胳膊,但是TombCrow认为把它翻译成“缺胳膊断腿”并没有歪曲Lara的原意,比起“双腿完好地回去”也似乎更符合中文的表达习惯。)

士兵:I do a good job with the mines. Ahhh... Not that it does us any good. We are all dead or dying.【那些地雷可是我的得意之作。唉……可它们没派上一点用场!我们死的死伤的伤。】


Lara:Where are the rest of you? I need those explosive codes!【其他人都在哪里?我需要爆破代码!】

士兵:Sahida, my colleague lies across the roof bridge in the mosque. As we retreated, something new that we had not encountered before came from the shadows like lightning and took his head.【我的战友Sahida正躺在清真寺的天桥上。我们撤退的时候,遭遇了一些以前从没见过的东西,它们从闪电般的阴影中突然出现,劈下了他的脑袋。】

Lara:The codes?【那代码呢?】

士兵:Inside his head! Inside the creature!【在他的脑袋里!在怪物身体里!】

Lara:I need those codes!【我需要代码!】

士兵:Search his body. I don’t know. Leave me for now for I am weak and wish to prepare myself for my God.【(你可以)搜一下他的尸体。我也不知道(代码在哪里)。现在让我一个人安安静静待着吧,我太虚弱了,已经准备去见上帝了。】

第二十三关:古堡大门(Level 23 -Citadel Gate)



Azizus:You are a strong woman.【你真是个了不起的女人。】

Lara:Lara! And you handled yourself pretty well - Sergeant! You’ve got the codes. What now?【我叫劳拉。你的表现也很不错,长官!你已经得到了代码,现在做什么呢?】

Azizus忽然把枪口对准 Lara

Azizus:After all we have been through, this is merely insurance.【我们已经经历这么多了,我现在这么做只是为了保险起见。】

Lara:Against what?【为什么?有什么危险?】

Azizus:Against you trying to stop me from doing my duty. Somebody needs to drive that truck in there.【你阻止我完成任务的危险。要知道总得有人把卡车开过去。】


Azizus:Whatever it takes for god and my country.【为了上帝还有我的祖国。】


Azizus:In the next life then, my friend.【下辈子再见吧,我的朋友。】

第二十六关:古城堡(Level 26-Cidadel)


Jean:Thank God you made it! Von Croy. . . I saw it myself. I would not have believed such a thing. He is possessed of Seth!【谢天谢地,你终于来了!Von Croy……我看到了。真不敢相信,他被塞特的魔力控制了。】(这里Jean说“Von Croy. . . I saw it”,用了“it”-“它”,而不是“him”-“他”。我们可以把这理解为由于Von Croy已经成为塞特的化身,Jean已经不再认为这家伙还算人类了,因此用了“it”来指代Von Croy。或者说Jean在这里有意避开了直接提及Von Croy,而是委婉地说“我看到了这件事”,“it”指的不是Von Croy,而是代指Von Croy被塞特附身一事。而原因也是在于他不知道现在该如何称呼Von Croy。TombCrow更倾向于后一种解释。因为Jean紧接着又说了一句“I would not have believed such a thing”,把“such a thing”和前面那句话中的“it”联系起来看,当然是后一种解释更为顺畅。)

Lara:Get out of here, Jean. I have a feeling that things may turn nasty.【快离开这里吧,Jean,这儿越来越危险了。】

Jean:He is digging under the Citadel into the Crusaders' vaults in search of the ceremonial tablet. The tablet which contains Seth's binding incantations. Be careful, Lara. I fear there are things in the vaults man was not meant to see.【他在古堡下挖掘十字军拱顶,试图找到仪式石板。石板上记录了囚禁塞特的咒语。要小心,Lara,恐怕那个拱顶里会有一些让人(man)不愿意看到的东西。】

Lara:I am not a man, Jean, and I am always very, very careful.【我不是“男人(man)”,Jean。还有,我总是非常,非常小心的。】(Lara说“I am not a man”,和下一句“I am always very, very careful”没有任何的关系,而是承接Jean的话“man was not meant to see”的。Jean的那句话中“man”的意思当然是指“人”,而Lara则巧妙地故意把它曲解为“男人”——因为这两个意思是同一个词:“man”。)

古堡下,Von Croy找到了石板

Von Croy:We have it. The ancient Ceremonial tablet. Take it and prepare it. . . and see if the Croft woman has arrived with our armor.【我们找到它了。远古的仪式石碑。拿好了……去看看Croft 那个女人是不是带着我们的铠甲来了。】

本关结束,Von Croy阴沉地召唤Lara

Von Croy:Come in, Lara. I have been expecting you. Come to me, child. Do not fear your old colleague. I merely require the armor that you hold in your possession.【进来呀,Lara。我在等你。到这里来,孩子。不要害怕你的老朋友。我只是需要你得到的铠甲。】

Lara:And in return. . . ?【你用什么交换呢?】

Von Croy:I will grant you vigor as those around you fall. You shall command the ultimate power: that of life or death over those you choose at your side. And in return they will bow at your feet and give worship.【我赐予你无上的荣耀,周围的芸芸众生都会拜倒在你的脚下。你将执掌最高权力:随心所欲决定人们的生死。因此他们都会对你顶礼膜拜,无限崇敬。】

Lara:Got my fair share of that already. And besides. . . give a jackal your hand and he'll bite off the whole arm.【我已经得到了我所应得的一切。另外……把一只手伸给豺狼的话,它会咬掉你整个胳膊。】(“my fair share”是个让TombCrow很是头疼的表达方式。经加纳同学Irene的解释,当一个人说起“my fair share”的时候,通常就是要求自己应得的那一半。换句话说,意思就是当前的瓜分方式是不公平的,“我理应得到我所应得的份额”。这样一来Lara的话就不难理解了。注意台词中“Got my fair share”前面显然是省略了“I've”,这句话的完整意思应当是“我已经得到了我所应得的份额”。联系上下文,Lara的言下之意就是说她一无所求,对Von Croy的交换条件完全不感兴趣。至于后面那句,“give a jackal your hand”的意思应当是把手伸给豺狼。根据TombCrow的理解,向对方伸手应该是与对方和解或者结盟的友好表示。而豺狼对此的反应则是咬掉对方的整个手臂。因此,永远都不必幻想与豺狼之流和平共处,否则只会引狼入室,惹祸上身。豺狼当然是恶的象征,这里指塞特,或者说Von Croy。因此,TombCrow认为Lara的这句话所要表达的就是她永远都不会与塞特或Von Croy结盟的决心。)

Lara取走护身符,将Von Croy(或者说塞特)关在了门里,里面传来豺狼的咆哮声

Lara:Barking mad.【叫得真难听。】


第二十七关:斯芬克斯巨像(Level 27 – Sphinx Complex)


One night, in dreaming, came to me the spirit of the Sphinx. In his passing, he spoke unto me words of great wisdom. "Thutmosis, here is your true destiny: This land of Egypt is forever yours to rule. In return, protect me always from the sands of time. As you are, I must be free from head to toe. So that we both may see the divine beauty of creation"【一个夜晚,在梦中,我见到了斯芬克斯之魂。在我们会面的短暂瞬间,它向我传达如下箴言:“图特摩斯,这是你的命中定数:我将埃及大陆交由你永远统治。作为回报,你要时刻保护我不受沙砾侵袭。让我从头到脚摆脱沙砾困扰,再次彻底自由。我们将会目睹狮身人面这神圣造物之美。”】(TombCrow 的印象中图特摩斯做梦好像是在中午,并不是在晚上……另外,斯芬克斯的原话中隐含了一些意思,并没有明确表达出来,对背景情况也略去了。因此此处斯芬克斯的话TombCrow完全采取了意译,直译过来的话有些地方多少会让人觉得有点莫名其妙:“托特莫斯,这是你的真正命运:这块埃及大陆永远由你统治。作为报答,你保护我免受沙砾侵袭。我必须从头到脚彻底自由。这样我们彼此都能够看到创造物的神圣之美。”之所以说要图特摩斯“报答”,是因为是斯芬克斯将埃及大陆赐予图特摩斯统治的,因此图特摩斯才有义务为它进行清扫。这就像一笔交易一样。)

第二十九关:孟卡拉的金字塔(Level 29 – Menkaure's Pyramid)


Allah be praised. For a moment, I thought I was dead for sure. Please, for your own safety, take these keys and hide in the pyramid of Menkaure. Save yourself from these abominations.【感谢真主。刚才我还以为我是死定了。为了你自己的安全,请拿上这些钥匙,到孟卡拉金字塔里面去避一避,躲开那些可恶的东西吧。】

第三十五关:何露斯神庙(Level 35 -Temple Of Horus)


My wicked cousin is once again returned to the stars. It is I who shall rule over this world once more. Come forth and bow before your god before he extinguishes your worthless life.【我可恶的兄弟又回到了星空之中。再次统治整个世界的只能是我塞特。上前来,跪在你的神明脚下。以乞求我宽恕你的渺小生命。】(“It is I who...”是一个强调句型,TombCrow认为中文中与之严格匹配的句式是“是我……”,或者“……的是我”。后面那句“Come forth and bow before your god before he extinguishes your worthless life”直译为“在你的神明摧毁你的渺小生命之前上前跪在他的面前”。而之所以要跪在他面前,当然是求他开恩放自己一条生路,所以TombCrow才把这句话翻译成那个样子。)

Lara最终重新囚禁了塞特,她疲惫地走向出口,出口处,Von Croy忽然出现

Von Croy:Quickly girl, before it collapses around you!【快呀,孩子,这地方快要塌了!】

Lara:You back Werner? No more Seth?【你回来了吗?Werner?再也不受塞特控制了?】

Von Croy:No Time. Your hands, Lara, give me your hands!【没时间了,你的手,Lara,把手伸给我!】


Von Croy:Take my hand. I can pull you to safety.【抓住我的手,我把你拉上来。】(“pull you to safety”中“pull”已经有了“拉上来”的意思,而上面其实就是安全的地方,所以没有必要把safety严格地翻译过来了吧……)

Lara:Good to see you again Werner.【再次见到你真好,Werner。】

神庙倒塌,Von Croy不得不离开,他一边后退一边喊叫着

Von Croy:I couldn’t leave you!【我不能丢下你!】

Lara 被埋在神庙中。Von Croy脱下帽子,向Lara致哀……
